Set in Stone?
History repeating itself.
April 30th - 6.45pm
as part of the
Royal College of Music's
Great Exhibitionists series
Katharina Gerlich is an Austrian actress. After graduating from Drama School in Vienna in 2014 she has worked in Austrian theatre and film.
Through collaborations with national and international artists, musicians, composers and dancers from a range of different fields Katharina has gained knowledge of all kinds of performing and visual arts.
Together with the theatre company “Imp:Art” she has been performing in Vienna and touring around Austria with both classical and modern plays and shows for young audiences. Two of her last performances, “The Weight of Water” and “A Midsummernight’s Dream”, have been shortlisted for the STELLA Darstellender.Kunst.Preis, an Austrian arts award.
Being part of and managing the theatre company “Imp:Art” offered her the opportunity to not only gain experience on stage but also to develop organisational skills. Katharina has experience in organising shows, budget planning and project management.
In 2016 Katharina was awarded the cultural award of the City of Baden, Austria, in the category of performing arts.
Katharina Gerlich